August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 June 2005 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 November 2010

May 22, 2010 || 12:56

I can't do anything right. I'll never amount to anything. That's my fucking vibe. That's it.


And the hope of a new day
|| 00:34

How do you just.. forget another person? You can't remember what they were like. He asks,
so what did you two talk about?
and you just.. can't.. recall. You look at their picture and you don't feel anything at all. It's just another picture of just another person that has nothing to do with your life.

How does that happen? How can someone be so important, so.. irreplaceable at one point, and then so easily forgettable?

Is the first time I've noticed something like this happening. I guess that's what moving on is like, then. Very.. odd.


Fuck Bruges
May 21, 2010 || 01:14

 I just.. couldn't.. resist.


Time started: 00:45
Name: Elise
Single or Taken: Single? D: ..most of the time?
Sex: Femme
Birthday: 15/09/88
Sign: Virgo
Eye colour: Hazel, I spose. -.- Is green on the outside! Is all that matters!
What are you wearing: Er.. brown capri pants and a brown shirt.. thing.
Where do you live: Tallinn
Righty or lefty: Righteh!


Where is your favorite place to shop: Second-hands xD
Color: Hot pink and lime green. D:
Number: "7" xD
Boys Name: Adam!
Girls Name: Er.. lots of good ones and I can't remember any.
Animal: Cats and Filip. D:
Month: August and September
Movie: Secret Window :3
Juice: Sweet Orange D:
Breakfast: Kohuke!
Favorite cartoon character: Grim.


Given anyone a bath: Nnnnot really.
Smoked: Tried. Failed.
Bungee Jumped: Nho. Fear of heights!
Gone skinny dipping: MMmno.
Eaten a dog: Not that I know of.
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: I've put my tongue to a newspaper.. and it got stuck.
Loved someone so much it made you cry: Yes.
Broken a bone: Nho. *spits three times over shoulder*
Played truth or dare: Yes.. maybe?
Been in a physical fight: Not a serious one.
Been in a police car: Nho.
Been in a hot tub: Yes.
Swam in the ocean: Er.. yes. xD
Fallen asleep in school: Maybe dozed off for a second.. I remember how M fell asleep next to me in like.. Literature, though.
Ran away: Never.
Broken someone’s heart: Apparently.
Cried when someone died: Yes.
Cried in school: Hm.. in Uni, yes. Otherwise, don't remember.
Fell off your chair: Yes.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Nho.
Saved AIM/MSN conversation: Yes.


Your good luck charm: My heart-shaped locket with Filip inside.
Best song you ever heard: For now, it's "Billionaire".
What’s your room like: Pink. And messy.
Last thing you ate: Sammich.
What kind of shampoo do you use: Something that has a douchey sort of cool bottle, but actually works.
Do you believe in karma: Yes. Instant karma.


Chicken pox: I don't.. think so.
Sore Throat: Apparently, always. That's what the analyses have proven, anyway.
Stitches: I should, somewhere on my head.
Broken nose: Nho, I'm like this naturally.


Believe in love at first sight: Yes.
Like picnics: Food is good!
Like school: Uni, yes.
What schools have you gone to: TÜG, TLÜ.
Would you eat a live hamster for $1,000,000 dollars: Yes.
Who was the last person that called you: My mom.
What makes you laugh the most: Apparently, punching someone in the ear.


You yelled at: I'm guessing B. xD I don't yell that often.
Who broke your heart: Last one who had a hold of it.
Who is your loudest friend: Prrrrrrr.. my friends aren't obnoxiously loud, usually.


Do you like filling these out: Yes, though I have nothing entertaining to say.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses.. but only when driving.
Do you like yourself: I've seen better.
Do you get along with your family: Mostly.
Obsessive: Very.
Compulsive: About some things.
Anorexic: Nho. C'mon, what?


What are you listening to right now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2b-TBD9pmhI xD
What did you do yesterday:  What DID I do yesterday.. what day is today? o_o Oh, well, since it's technically Friday, on Thursday I.. made sushi, went driving, went to muay thai.
Hate someone in your family: Hate is such a strong word.. not agree with is more like.
What car do you wish to have: One where I can listen to my own awesome mix tapes! xD
Where do you want to get married: Outside. D:

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: Um.. my nerves. Or nose, y'know, whichever comes first. xD
How many remote controls are in your house: Two? Three?
Are you double jointed: Nho.
Last time you took a bath: I don't like baths. ._. Shower ftw!
The last movie you saw at the cinemas: Iron Man 2 FUCKING YES.
Do you like scary or happy movies: Scary movies, happy movies are more often than not pretty fucking depressing.
Black or white: Black
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Dr.. Pepper?
Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate!
Silver or Gold: Silver.
Diamond or pearl: Diamond
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset
Sprite or 7up: Pleh, they both make my head ache.
Cats or dogs: Cats!
Coffee or tea: Coffeeeeeeee ;_;
Phone or in person: In person, I'm afraid of phones. ToT
Are you the oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Youngest.
Indoor or outdoor: Er.. huh. o_o They both kind of suck.


May 17, 2010 || 15:32


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J-pop boyband face-off: ROUND ONE
May 14, 2010 || 20:11

..round is a weird word.

Also, is it very obvious I'm so trying to avoid studying?


MIWJU, it is ON! The ULTIMATE J-POP BOYBAND FACE-OFF, also known as 'My boyband brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like, it's better than yours'.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the fight of the century. Let's get ready to rumble!

Introducing first, Miwju, 160cm tall (more like 159.8, huh HUH?), standing in the red corner with Arashi (嵐)!

In the blue corner, a new challenger! Shin, 165cm tall, with newly chosen side, KAT-TUN (カトゥーン)!

Round one: LOOKS

Fight fight!

TrueFact: KAT-TUN happens to have more good-looking guys.

Example #1: Akanishi Jin ( 赤西仁)
(DOB: 04/07/84)
(Height: 174cm)
(Yukan Club)

Whereas the best Arashi can offer is..

Example #1: Matsumoto Jun (松本潤)
(DOB: 30/08/83)
(Height: 173cm)

Also on KAT-TUN's side:

Example #2: Taguchi Junnosuke (田口淳之介)
(DOB: 29/11/85)
(Height: 182cm)
(Yukan Club)


Example #3: Kamenashi Kazuya (亀梨 和也)
(DOB: 23/02/86)
(Height: 171cm)
(Nobuta wo Produce)

Whereas on the Arashi's side I sort of.. ran out of.. examples. x)

Thusly, I feel it right to announce KAT-TUN as WINNER of round one!

Well, Miwju, how do you reciprocate? =_=

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If you change your mind
May 12, 2010 || 00:01

It was so nice when I gave my brother a CD (the epic mix tape für my bruder) so he wouldn't have to listen to silence while driving, and he was like 'Great, but can you make me a CD where this and this is also on?' and it so happened that I'd put a lot of artists on there that he actually wanted. o_o I actually made a CD that he might actually like. Fucking score!

He ate my breakfast though (kohuke). I was not happy at all. Neither was he, when I told him he ate the only reason I had to get up in the morning.

After giving my brother the CD I went to gym for an hour and after that, muay thai. My arms are still shaking from muscle strain. x_o And oh my god, gingers are mean little bastards. Got my legs taken out from under me today by a ginger. xD

I'm such a noob at this.

That, and Starcraft. I'm so slow at building my shit that even the AI is like 'Um, can we get a move on? I've got a date tonight.'

And how stupid, me quitting my job and thinking 'Now I'm finally going to go to school properly', only to find out that this week is the last week of school. And then it's over. Then we get a week of silence and bam, exams! Well, the week will go to study for our last Japanese exam, but.. seriously, what? Last week? My timing is fucking awesome.

Seems London is back on. L and M had better prepare.

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May 9, 2010 || 18:19

I'm so angry with myself. And so tired of myself. The box I'm in.

Is like my mind's been cut off from everything else and I'm afraid to break out of it.



Can't seem to find yer heart
May 7, 2010 || 17:57

So, today was my last day at work. But more of that later.

Right now there's one thing that every time I think about it, I start laughing. And I know it's very mean and unladylike and just plain awful, but I can't help it, I find it hilarious. And that's what my last post was about. I actually had a Fight Club-ish moment.

So yesterday a bunch of us were at J's place, after L took us out to Olde Hansa. It was very generous of him, but I did feel bad about his money. When we were leaving and the waiter said "see you again!", J and me exchanged a look, thinking "yeah, how about no".

Anyway. There was water pipe and rum at J's, and at one point L dared me to punch him. I did, twice, but both were rather gently, as well.. I don't really want to hurt a friend. Or myself, for that matter. By the end of the evening he was going all "You hit like a girl", and dared me again. Well, I couldn't just as well turn him down, could I? So I got up, took my rings off and took a swing. The first one he dodged, and I didn't think he would, so I was rather surprised and threw another quick one, which connected with his ear instead of his face. He was all "Why the ear?!" and I was laughing and kind of sad at the same time, ear is such a pointlessly hurty place and judging from my hand, I only hit it with one knuckle (which M told me to put ice on, lest it swell).

L, being an officer in Helkpo, said he'd Cock-rank me for a week. x_o Oh well. Hopefully he won't think that all the boys in Estonia are gay and all the girls want to beat the shit out of him.

*chuckles to self*

And yes, quit my job. Lack of time, health issues, unbearable stress.. just couldn't do it anymore. I can't do it, captain, I don't have the power!

Maybe now I can finally get my driver's license, eh eh?

And study. I don't want to fail the last Japanese exam we have to do. That would be fucking stupid.

I hate the mask (metaphorical one, though now that I think about it, putting on my Guy Fawkes mask would be awesome xD) I put on when talking to certain people, especially when I should be myself. Even the shirt I have on now says 'be as you are' and.. really. Can't. Love to, but can't. Stuck in my own head.

I want my own car. And then I can blast all the music I want, yeaah!

This is the end of retardocat. Let's have a moment of silence.

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In the ear!
|| 09:07

Narrator: Whoa, wait, this is crazy. You want me to hit you?
Tyler Durden: That's right.
Narrator: What, like in the face?
Tyler Durden: Surprise me.
Narrator: This is so fucking stupid...
[Narrator swings, connects against Tyler's head]
Tyler Durden: Motherfucker! You hit me in the ear!
Narrator: Well, Jesus, I'm sorry.
Tyler Durden: Ow, Christ... why the ear, man?
Narrator: Guess I fucked it up...
Tyler Durden: No, that was perfect!

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living room
May 2, 2010 || 20:15

I hope I never figure out
Who broke your heart
And if I do, if I do
I'd spend all night losing sleep
I'd spend the night and I'd lose my mind
