August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 June 2005 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 November 2010

The phantom is there inside my mind..
Sep 20, 2004 || 15:57

Mom wants me to go to some kick-boxing aerobics thing. I agreed. o_o It'll help me lose weight and soon I'll be pretty too. XD
Also, I'm going to start my piano lessons again. Same teacher, too. Or at least, so I think.
So, I'll have quire and that kickboxing thing on Tuesdays and Thursdays and hopefully piano on Wednesdays and Fridays. Free time ? Monday, Saturday and Sunday. Sounds cool. ^_^ Though I hope school won'y put a lot of pressure on me. I mean, school just started and that's probably why it doesn't seem hard yet. Right..
And uh.. my left hand's nails are painted black. Why ? 'Cause Neutral wouldn't paint his black, if I didn't do the same. Sooo, yah.
We also watched Chobits (anime). Japanese are so perverted. ^_^
Neutral left on Sunday. He's so cute though. ^_^
I've been messing around with the layout for quite some time now.. I think I'll move all my blog files from here to my site too. And stop using this place, though this IS comfortable. Still, everything should be MINE! XD

And this is how the retangular rule works with flowers..
Sep 15, 2004 || 19:40

Today's my birthday! Yay for me?
I woke up this morning and discovered a hella big bag next to my bed. Inside were gifts. A skirt, jeans, a top, some little bag with lipgloss and nailpolish and stuff like that in it.. etc.
Mike, Rene and Oliver gave me flowers. So did Merit. Teachers of course noticed as well. Some congratulated me, English teacher made my class sing to me, the Math teacher.. agh. Took my flowers and showed us some rule about vectors. On my flowers. And I had to stand there in front of the whole class. Gah, I'm forever scarred.
I understood that Russian isn't as bad as I thought it was. I'm starting to understand it. :P
After school we (me and Merit) came to my place. She played Rollercoaster Tycoon for awhile. Lalallaala, can't remember anymore, she left early.
Neutral *will* come to Tallinn on Friday. YAY! Love :**
AAanndd.. yeah okay.
Though I should study, I think I'll try and make a new site layout now. Nothing will come of it, I'm sure. O'well.

Digi.. change. I mean, camera.
Sep 14, 2004 || 19:27

Oh yeah. To explain. I want Canon Powershot A70 or whatever it was. Well, A95 would probably be better, but o'well. ^^

Halleluja! (bad mood)
|| 19:12

Uh.. it's been too long since the last update.
We *did* go to the cemetary. Or well, walk through it like 3 times or such. Beh. I got paranoid. I kept feeling someone was moving behind me. No, I don't mean Merit or Hannes. Feh.
But I saw Deca today! He asked me out cause he hadn't bought me a present and he wanted me along, so I'd get what I want. But eh, I got the money. I just didn't know anything I'd want. 'Cept that cord thing I'd need to attach my guitar to the computer..
And today was my first quire practice. It was awful. Everyone we're singing sooo pretty.. and then the teacher said something was wrong with the alt's. Yeah. It was probably me. I sang horribly. I.. can't sing. Stupid. Rawr.
Neutral might.. and then again, might not.. come to Tallinn this weekend. Well, all there is to do is hope, eh.
Y'know, tomorrow's my birthday. Gimme money! Moneeeyyy.. moneymoney, lalalala..

I want a digital camera.

Okay, there's a lot to study for tomorrow. German (10-15 sentences of my summer holiday), History (Test on the first 3 chapters), Russian (learn the goddamn alphabet, lmao. :P), Math (Ex 566.. I have to do 559 before I can start on that. Sneaky teacher.), English (1 sentence with every tense thingy.).

Be there 1AM by the graveyard down the rooaaaad..
Sep 8, 2004 || 22:08

Anyone, who's heard Pulp - Disco 2000 should understand the title. Or maybe not.
Annnyywaay. If we're lucky enough, the one's visiting the nice little cemetary will be me, neutral, Genky, Merit, Hannes.. and ooh, maybe we can get Fennec ? I don't know. I just hope mommy doesn't change her mind about letting me go to Tartu, either. I have the money to go, just not enough to get back. Methinks. Besides, I mean.. I can't go without mom's permission. No, she'd kill me.
I had my first Russian lesson of my life. ^^ It sucked.. hard. I mean, it's like.. illogicality über alles! Now mom won't stop using Russian when she talks to me. -_-
Tomorrow I have to describe Artemis. And, I have to be like "I am Apollo's twin sister". Artemis is an evil revengful bitch. So it's great describing her like it was me. ^^
So hm.. that's it for now. I s'pose I should go and wash my hair now. Hell, if it gets dirty in Tartu, I'll wash my hair there too. Washing über alles!
Über alles is such a kewl.. thingy. Err.. yeah. Thingy.

Ode to the End.
Sep 7, 2004 || 22:35

Hah. Sonny is acting.. sheep-ish. ELF has now been shut down. Why ? He didn't like it anymore. We all know why..
Better news.. I got in the quire! I'm in the quire! She liked my voice! I'm in the lowest female voice group thingy though. Very nice. ^^
And I *am* going to see neutral soon after all. Mommy was like "NO you can't go" and today she was like "Okay, if he can't come to Tallinn, then fine, go.". Of course, I'll go with Merit. Merit probably wants to see his dog anyway. And we *are* going to check out that cemetary. WOoo!
Alright. A bit early, but I'm going to sleep.
Yay, my birthday is a week away! That's still kind of depressing.

Hell, don't bother. It's only my birthday.
Sep 6, 2004 || 22:42

Forget it, it's only ME.
Who's she, anyway ?
Who's that Elise some people mention?

|| 01:24

So, found an.. old band, I suppose. I only like one song so far - their Buffy Theme. Heh. Heh.
I'm back from Tartu, however. I should go to sleep already.
I got a bit ill though. And left my jacket and keys at neutral's place. And my CD. But.. I got LP Live In Texas from Fennec. Borrowed, of course. Gonna watch it one day.
Genky's still so-so kewl. :D
My mom doesn't want me to go back to Tartu, however. Perhaps cause of money, perhaps because she's certain that I'm disturbing neutral's mother with being there. O'well, I still want to go back. I suppose next weekend we would go and check out that cemetary again. With Merit. And then I'd drag neutral along, of course. CEMETARY IS SCARY WAAAAAHHH. *grin*
RRrr.. So. School tomorrow.. or should I say, today.

Blinking blue light thingy
Sep 5, 2004 || 02:23

Hmm so. Yesterday I arrived in Tartu. Still here. Behind neutral's computer. Lots of candy wrappers around me. o_O On the table. Now I know neutral's password, ha-haa. :D I can tell you all.. for a reasonable price. ^^ ~10 000 dollars would be a nice start. Rrrrrrr.
I made Fennec bleed today. Y'know, some simple scratching. At first I left a mark on neutral's hand.. but y'know, Fennec looks much more like a scratching post than neutral does.
We spent this and the previous evening at Genky's place. She's really nice. ^^ She has a cute kitty too. Really violent. Even left me a scratchmark. Woooow.
So hum, what else. Merit's blog is funny. ^^Especially the part where she wants to throw something at everyone. And that I have to walk the dog. Yeeshh..
Neutral read one of the blog post title's wrong. Instead of "in joy and sorrow, my home's in your arms" he read "in joy and sorrow, my head's in your arse". He's a freako. ^^ Or just needs glasses. Or maybe he should have looked at the monitor from another angle. Sooo..
Last night we went through the cemetary. Y'know, like a shortcut of some sort. I was kind of paranoid, so I kept hearing stuff. o_O Didn't go through there today though. Beh. And I've always liked cheap thrills, too.
So kay. I s'pose I'm off.

In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms..
Sep 2, 2004 || 22:33

Today was, what we could call.. auditioning. For the school quire. At first I was like "Hell no, I'm not going in there!". But we were at the door, and..
Merit said.. "No.. I'm not going.. are you ?"
"No way.."
Then she looked inside for a moment again. And then she was like "Let's go in!"
And we did.
So, we sat there, put our information down for the teacher. And waited. There were people inside, the teacher, who listened to us and then there were.. the people from the quire. Our own students.
I was scared shitless. I've never sang in front of more than 2 people, and even those were my very best friends and the music was almost louder than me. And then.. it was like, 8 people.. no music.. singing alone in front of the class. Oh god, it's like a nightmare. At first I wanted to sing "Still loving you", but nothing good came out of it. So, I tried to save myself quickly with singing "In joy and sorrow".. it was a bit better, I suppose. The teacher said I have a really low voice though. Beh, I don't know, I suppose it could be some kind of a plus. I mean, they don't have enough boys, I can be one! ;D I suppose it's kind of a lose-lose situation though. If I get in, I'll have to be in school 8AM on Tuesday. Every Tuesday. If I don't get in, I'll be crushed, 'cause that'll mean I really can't sing. Grr, I'll never sing, when people are around, ever again, then.
So, what else. We went to "Hilpharakas" with Merit today. Since I owed her 50kr, I let her pick out the same thing Deca let me pick out. A.. cloth-thingy with something written on it. She had "666" on hers. Good enough.
School itself was okay. We get to be in Hellerma's class, yay! Again, freeloading in English, then. ^^ And our new Math teacher.. is.. a bit odd. Today she explained everything we had learned in the past 4 years.. so slowly.. so.. thoroughly.. really.. odd. And our History teacher is some evil blonde.
Hmm.. I know I'm forgetting something.. but oh well.
Going to Tartu tomorrow. After school I'll run home, take my bag, run to the bus station and get on the first bus that leaves. Somebody remind me, that I wanted to make neutral speak french. Bwhahaa. Ilovehim. ^^
So, I suppose I'll see you people later. Rrrrr. Kinkyness. :**

Da ba dee..
Sep 1, 2004 || 22:11

Woke up 8.30AM.. I was s'posed to meet Merit 9.30AM.. Basically when it was 9AM, I looked at my clock (and probably 'cause I was still sleepy as hell) I thought for a moment that I have more than enough time. Then I understood, that I should've gone out 5 minutes ago. Alright. I got there before Merit, anyway. She was more than a little late, as well. :)
Our class isn't as bad as I expected. Actually, it is. We have at least 3 identical blondes. And then some more blondes.. and then some weird blond-ish people. But 2 goth girls! One of them is rather chatty. They're both very nice. We're going to get alone just fine.. ^^
Hm.. we're also going to rent ourselves a locker. 50 kroon's a month, but since me and Merit are sharing it, it's 25 kroon's both. Goody.
The teacher asked everyone in the class to start wearing more modest things. Not to stand out so much. Not to show out what we believe in or what groups we belong in. The whole class looked at us! 4 little black girls sitting at the back of the classroom. How cute. Of course we'll show it out! Who else will save the world, if not us? :D
I think I'll wear jeans tomorrow.. though wearing that skirt made me feel so.. kewl. Still. Jeans are so much more comfortable.
Tomorrow's first lesson of the day is.. German. Aagh! Probably Kiilma will be the teacher. She's scary. You have to actually *know* german to get by her class. Eeep, I'm in trouble. Since Merit's got German on Friday, I'm guessing I have to start learning Russian, too. Rawr, noooo! But then again, it's kind of good. Since half of the people in Tallinn speak it anyway. It's good to know your.. ground. And stuff. Okay I'm not making sense, don't ask.
If I'm lucky, I'll be on my way to Tartu on Friday. I want to see neutral, that's all. ^^
I s'pose I should go wash my hair and go to sleep now.